Café-resto; Additional commercial activites:

                                                            Worker Respite 

Activities of the short-term respite shelter

 Sociai intégration mission

Plan – Forecast - 2023-2024-2025  


Additional commercial activites:

Support measures in case of emergency or prevention

Artistic activities

Artisan work

Provide clothing and other basic amenities

nutrition service

Culinary art, collective cooking workshop

Device support

Distribution of supplies of goods or services

Online business

Health field that provides specialized equipment at no cost or at less than cost

Carpooling, transportation, internet access

Collect donations and services

Emergency or temporary support measure

Enable social reintegration

Improve the standard and quality of life of people who are unable to join the labor force for one reason or another.

Target customers:

Low-income people;

People experiencing poverty;

Persons placed in custody in an establishment, hospitalized, placed in pre-trial detention, or who are housed in a reception residence or in other types of public establishments;

Having received a verdict of not criminally responsible due to mental disorder or unfitness to stand trial; the types of decisions: unconditional release, conditional release, detention with or without modality.

Our volunteer program has several objectives:

Enrich the volunteer experience to create a better future for our communities. Encourage our members to give the best of themselves and produce a volunteer experience that will produce superior results on a sustained basis.

This is favored by the creation of a work environment which provides a very satisfactory quality of professional life for all staff.

This program will include the participation of people who actively work within the organization, including “active” volunteers, unpaid interns, intermediary employees and any other partners.

Such programs contribute significantly to the country's economy and meet the needs of many communities.

The Worker's Respite/Worker Rest offers the opportunity to gain work experience and improve skills in one's field of study.

We accept voluntary contributions or donations at the following address:

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact us or please send your donations, checks or money orders to the postal address below.

We will send you an official tax receipt by mail on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency. or

Financial institution number: 001

Transit number: 0123 (4) Transaction other Canadian financial institution

Account number: 8975 598

Branch: 00373

Any form of collaboration is welcome!

Activities continue across Canada.

Alain Dubé Coordinating President



Site web


Tel: 418-805-6607 (voicemail)


Worker Respite

580, rue Saint-Jean App 13

Quebec, Quebec G1R 1P6


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Coffee-resto Social integration mission

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Programs and activities - End of reporting period: 2023-09-30