Let's talk about stress and poverty



                                                              Worker Respite

                                                             Sociai intégration mission

Let's talk about stress and poverty

Social integration mission:

Worker Rest was created by volunteers to offer support and mutual aid services and programs such as information sessions, conferences, workshops, discussion groups and counseling;

Promote volunteerism throughout the community with the participation of people who actively work within the organization; 

Improve the standard and quality of life of people who are unable to participate in the workforce for one reason or another.

Target customers:

Low-income people;

People experiencing poverty;

Persons placed in custody in an establishment, hospitalized, placed in pre-trial detention, or who are housed in a reception residence or in other types of public establishments;

Having received a verdict of not criminally responsible due to mental disorder or unfitness to stand trial; the types of decisions: unconditional release, conditional release, detention with or without modality.

Support measures in case of emergency or prevention

Essential health care:

Help with rehabilitation;

Relieve conditions associated with impairment;

Analyze functional abilities;

Needs and limits assessment program (learning disability, motor skills disorder, impairment

psychological, blindness or visual impairment, deafness or hearing impairment, chronic illness or other impairments) of patients in order to promote social reintegration;

Technical assistance to optimize physical and functional capacities by collaborating with the physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and audiologist as well as other health professionals health; 

Support and accompaniment service during a short period of hospitalization;

Recommend or perform a medical intervention desired or needed by the patient

Connections with the community and with the funding program

Influence factor; Definition, the part of an economy where the State intervenes little or not. It is contrasted with the public sector which is mainly run by the state. This same distinction is sometimes used to separate the notions of a liberal economy (in which the private sector is developed or favored) and a managed economy (in which the private sector is reduced, leaving room for strong action by governments).

Scenario: factors such as income, education, social support networks, environment, employment and working conditions, working conditions influence health, working conditions also play a role role in the employee's performance, daily tasks and managing occasional stress to the best of one's abilities.

Research programs:

Promotion of trade and industry;

Promoting excellence in trade and industry in Canada, in the public interest by conducting research into best practices for sources of work-related stress;

Online publication of research analysis reports “Sources of stress relating to the industry”;

Conduct research on the sources of stress linked to the economy and the eligibility criteria of different levels of government;

Study the socio-economic factors that influence our health status and contribute to inequalities in health, income, employment and working conditions, food security, environment and housing, mental health and well-being as well as a low-income threshold;

Methodology: the Social and Affordable Housing Survey – Rental properties;

Study the effects of radiation on health, problems accessing services and factors related to the surrounding, economic, social and physical environments;

Learn more about stressful situations that differ depending on styles, taking into account that each person reacts differently in stressful situations;

Conduct research on the effects of stress on health, on housing conditions, on education and on the supply of goods and services, access to health care, literacy, minimum wage or low-paid work;

Conduct interviews and disseminate research reports on data analysis, stress management, impacts, etc.;

Collect administrative data; data appearing in the database or in the files of the organizations or institutions responsible for the project or its programming;

Study business conduct and the development of work organization, ergonomics, etc. in the sectors of industry and raw materials, renewable energy and sustainable development;

Study the structure of businesses and housing in cities, suburbs and rural areas.

We have determined that the conditions in which people who live below the threshold find themselves

poverty are deprived of the resources, means, choices and power necessary to acquire and maintain their autonomy and promote their integration and participation in society.

Support measures in case of emergency or prevention

Our objective of social reintegration is to support people suffering from stress caused by work, allow people on low income, in situations of poverty and people placed under institutional care to regain their autonomy through access to services and support and assistance programs. These include information sessions, conferences, workshops, discussion groups and counseling.

These services and programs will enable social reintegration, regain autonomy, meet the training and support needs of people in serious difficulties with the aim of rehabilitation.

The Worker's Respite/Worker Rest offers the opportunity to gain work experience and improve skills in one's field of study.

Our volunteer program has several objectives:

Enrich the volunteer experience to create a better future for our communities. Encourage our members to give the best of themselves and produce a volunteer experience that will produce superior results on a sustained basis.

This is favored by the creation of a work environment which provides a very satisfactory quality of professional life for all staff.

Such programs contribute significantly to the country's economy and meet the needs of many communities.

We accept voluntary contributions or donations at the following address:

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact us or please send your donations, checks or money orders to the postal address below.

We will send you an official tax receipt by mail on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency - canada.ca/charitable-organizations-donations or https://www.canadahelps.org/en/

Any form of collaboration is welcome!

Activities continue across Canada.

Alain Dubé Coordinating President

Email: repit.travailleur@gmail.com

Email: workersrest@gmail.com

Registration available at

Website https://repittravailleur.blogspot.com/

Website https://workerrespite.blogspot.com/

Tel: 418-805-6607 (voicemail)


Worker Rest

580 rue Saint-Jean App13

Quebec, Quebec G1R 1P6

Work profileemployeevolunteerstudent intern

Daily activities table - 2024-2025-2026

The activity of the short-term shelter: Allow social reintegration

Support measure in case of emergency or temporaryunsanitary housingseparationbereavementmovinghospital appointmentoverworkprofessional burnoutno medical followupdisabilityaccidentspecial benefittraininglaw visitationinsolvencyalimonyunemploymentloss of employmentother.

Persons confined in an establishment or hospitalizedin a detention centreaccommodated in a reception residence and other types of public establishments.

Website https://

Targeted clientele - Minimum salary

The person is living in povertyUnskilled workerPerson fallPeople with loss of autonomyother categoryburnoutsubstitutesubcontractingetc.

People placed in institutional custody or hospitalized, in detention centers, accommodated in reception residences and other types of public establishments.

Provide the opportunity to gain work experience and improve their competence in their field of study.

                                          Emergency or temporary support measure

Unexpected or difficult problematic family situations

Effects of stress on health: Overwork, burnout

Effects of stress on health: Inspection of workplaces

Business conduct, personnel management, working conditions, job security, labor shortages, hours of operation, waiting times, overflows, stock shortages, business closure.

Health Effects of Stress: Rising Cost of Living, Food Insecurity, Insolvency

Effects of stress on health: Disability, people with disabilities

Effects of stress on health: Accident, uninsured person, without medical follow-up

Effects of stress on health: Separation, alimony, bereavement, visiting rights

Effects of stress on health: Moving house, medical appointments

Health effects of stress: Unemployment, job loss, loss of ID, vulnerable, homeless

Housing conditions: Necessary repairs to the house, Unsanitary conditions, noise

Education: Learning disability, training

Motor impairment, mental impairment, blindness or visual impairment, deafness or hearing impairment, chronic illness or other impairments

Supplies of goods or services: The increase in the cost of living Business conduct

Personnel management, working conditions, job security, labor shortages, opening hours, waiting times, overflows, stock shortages, business closures

Housing and Residential Building Assessment

Necessary repairs, piping, light bulbs, painting the walls and ceiling, electrical outlets, concealing any holes in the walls, checking the proper functioning of household appliances

Target clientele: Unexpected or difficult problematic situation

People on low income, minimum wage or low paid work

Persons placed in temporary or provisional custody in an establishment or hospitalized, in a detention center, accommodated in a reception residence and other types of public establishment.

Daily Activity Table 1 of 2

Website https://

For each activity, determine how each level of government intervenes. The first activity is completed for you as an example.


Goods and services consumed

Website https://

Resource and price regulation bodies

Website https://

Municipal administration

Website https://

Provincial government

Website https://

Federal government

Website https://

Workplace stress management workshop

Website https://

Work stress assessment

How many hours do you work per week, other activity during the dayStress at homefamily relationshipstress at work relationship with the employerstress at school relationship with teachers and students

September - 2022 Meeting once a week

Information workshops; Preparation of a model, Single-parent situation, Tasks of volunteers at work, psychological harassment at work.
October - 2022 Meeting once a week
Information workshopEvening workStress at work for single peopleminimum wage workHousekeeping.
November - 2022 Meeting once a week
Information workshop; Absenteeism at work, Lack of manpower, labor market, working at home, working hours.
December - 2022 Meeting once a week
Information workshop; Dialogue with the employer, skills and competences at work, cuts in workstations, work of housewives.
January - 2022 Meeting once a week
Information workshop; Respect between employers and employees, reduction of working hours, statistics, stress among adolescents at work, etc.
February - 2022 Meeting once a week
Information workshopDialogue with the employerskills and competencies at workcuts in
Information workshopCounter stress in the workplacea storyteller in the history of workburnout at workway to solve stress at work.
March - 2022 Meeting once a week
Information workshops; Stress at work, part-time work, work / family balance, work overload
The voluntary sector and its place in society
Support and mutual aid program
Assess your skills
Advancement of education survey, alleviating poverty:
1-Do you feel comfortable refusing to work overtime at work?
2-Do you feel like you spent more time at work than at home?
3-Do you feel that you will never be able to finish your tasks at work?
4-At the end of a working day, do you feel exhausted, irritable?

5-Are your lifestyle habits such as your sleep and your appetite disturbed?

6-Are you able to think of other things when you are no longer at work?

7-Do you think that the stress of work has an effect at home?

8-Do you feel obligated to work to catch up with your expenses?

9-Is your workplace competitive?

10-Are you judged on your performance at work?

11-Do you suffer from psychological harassment at work?

12-Do you suffer from discrimination by your work colleagues?

13-When you arrive at work do you feel tired and unable to do your tasks?

14-Do you lack time at home to relax?

15-Do you spend quality time with your loved ones?

16-Do you suffer from physical disorders such as nausea, insomnia, muscle tension, digestive disorders?

17-Do you think that your health problems can be related to your work? 

18-Are you suffering from loss of interest?

19-Do you sometimes feel like you are trapped?

20-Are you often irritated or in a bad mood?

21-Do you feel that you no longer have control over your life?

22-Do you practice an activity outside of your work?

23-Do you have financial problems? 

24-Do you have an overload of work?

25-Do you often work overtime?

26-Do you feel separated from your work colleagues?

27-If there is a party at your job are you attending?

28-Do you spend more time working than spending time with your family?

29-Do you do work for which you have no consequences?

30-Does your work invades your privacy?

31-Do you tend to do your work too quickly to finish on time?

32-Do you feel that you suffer from injustice at work?

33-Do you feel that your superiors are providing you with support?

34-Are you afraid of losing your job?

35-Does stress affects your eating habit?

36-Do your working hours stress you at work?

37-Stress at work affect sleep?

38-Do you take time to relax?

39-Do you take poses at work?

40-Do you have therapy or can you talk to someone to talk to about your problems?

41-Do you like your job? Do you want to work?

Support measure in case of emergency or temporary: unsanitary housing, separation, bereavement, moving, hospital appointment, overwork, burnout, without medical follow-up, disability, accident, special benefit, training, right visitation, insolvency, alimony, unemployment, job loss, other.

People in situations of poverty, placed in institutional custody or hospitalized, in detention centers, housed in residential care and other types of public establishments

Our volunteer program has several objectives:

Enrich the volunteer experience to create a better future for our communities. Encourage our members to give the best of themselves and produce a volunteer experience that will produce superior results on a sustained basis.

This is favored by the creation of a work environment which provides a very satisfactory quality of professional life for all staff.

This program will include the participation of people who actively work within the organization, including “active” volunteers, unpaid interns, intermediary employees and any other partners.

Such programs contribute significantly to the country's economy and meet the needs of many communities.

The Worker's Respite/Worker Rest offers the opportunity to gain work experience and improve skills in one's field of study.

We accept voluntary contributions or donations at the following address:

If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact us or please send your donations, checks or money orders to the postal address below.

We will send you an official tax receipt by mail on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency. canada.ca/charities-donations or https://www.canadahelps.org/en/


Financial institution number: 001

Transit number: 0123 (4) Transaction other Canadian financial institution

Account number: 8975 598

Branch: 00373

Any form of collaboration is welcome!

Activities continue across Canada.

Alain Dubé Coordinating President

Email: repit.travailleur@gmail.com

Email: workersrest@gmail.com

Site web https://repittravailleur.blogspot.com/

Website https://workerrespite.blogspot.com/

Tel: 418-805-6607 (voicemail)


Worker Respite

580, rue Saint-Jean App 13

Quebec, Quebec G1R 1P6


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